Every program or project at On-the-Move shares the same goal: break down barriers to social inclusion and build community with and for people who experience developmental disabilities.
Participants volunteer at the Oregon Food Bank
Activities for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities shouldn’t be about just passing the time. They should be meaningful and enriching.
Our activities focus on getting out in the community doing things that are healthy, social, sustainable, and fun.
We do things you would want to do:
Hike through one of Portland’s beautiful parks
Attend free concerts
Break a sweat at a local CrossFit box
Volunteer at a community organization
Partake in the quirky things that make us love living in Portland
Brighten a stranger's day with small talk at a coffee shop, and so much more!
Participants are always dreaming up new ways to engage, enjoy and enrich the social fabric of our community!
We go out in small groups of no more than three participants to one staff. This small-group model provides just the right mix of self-determination and teamwork. Participants enjoy this because they get to experience the social dynamic they are looking for while receiving the individualized support they need.
Think about it: when you're trying to build meaningful relationships with friends do you prefer to hang out with one or two others, or six to seven others? Large groups work sometimes, but they aren't the typical social dynamic people are seeking.
Self-determination is one of our core values, which means participants are encouraged to explore and decide each day where they go and what they do. Participants work together to choose activities with support from staff. When participants are uncertain about what to do or what opportunities are available our staff offer guidance and options.
Our Community Inclusion program is all about personal discovery and growth, and community integration and engagement.
Ready to make a difference? We are building community Monday through Friday from 9:00 am - 3:00pm. Contact us for a tour.
We've learned a lot after a decade of community engagement. We are constantly forming new ideas that come from these experiences and lessons learned. Some of these ideas turn into new projects or programs, which are described below.
Short-term 1:1 Person-centered Support
Sometimes participants want a more intimate approach to help develop their dreams and goals. Short-term, one-on-one appointments are available for participants to complement their involvement in our small-group community inclusion program. Participants often use these 2.5 hour-long appointments to identify strengths and needs they may not be ready to explore among peers.
Community Partnerships
On-the-Move participants are ready to connect and engage within their community. Sometimes, however, the community is not prepared to include people with disabilities. For true inclusion to occur we recognize that the community needs our support too.
Thanks to the generous support from Meyer Memorial Trust we have developed a program that gives us the opportunity to connect with organizations and businesses who want to transform their space into an inclusive place. Our grant-funded Community Engagement program works to educate and prepare community partners to offer integrated activities for people with and without disabilities.